January 12th, 2012 at 01:44 am
Had my new consolidated deposits go through today. $2575 in total. It dropped my bank balance to $650 which was a bit unnerving, I like it over $1000. I didn't get a $1741.15 paycheck automatically deposited, I need to look into that, not sure I turned in the timesheet or if it was just late due to the holidays.
I transferred that exact amount from my 6-month living expense/saving, I will transfer it back when I get the money. So my checking account is accurate - $2675 with about $1200 that hasn't cleared. I'm caught up on bills, and according to my
Text is http://purple.savingadvice.com/2011/12/28/time-line_89165/ and Link is
http://purple.savingadvice.com/2011/12/28/time-line_89165/ timeline I have more income coming in before I pay my credit card (have $1000 budgeted, but it will be more this month thanks to Vegas.
Text is http://purple.savingadvice.com/2012/01/11/vegas-and-vistors_90024/ and Link is
I need to start focusing on taxes. I see my accountant on Feb 4. I have to finish my books for my hobby business, pay sales tax and issue W-1099s by the end of the month. And start on my personal stuff which will be complacdo this year.
TO DO - enquirer about paycheck
TO DO -move 6-month savings into at least CDS. Balance is currently over $16,000.
TO DO - change timeline figure so the dates are accurate.
TO DO - TAXES!!!!!!
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Personal Finance,
Saving Money,
To Do Lists,
Rambling Updates
December 29th, 2011 at 07:12 am
I made a time line and figured out when I should pay what. I am going to change my automatic savings to be monthly and occur with a pay period.
This has all of my regular expenses. I have $1000/month for my credit card which is an over estimate, I only charged $700 the last few months. And often charges have funds designated in a savings account.
The only other bill on here is K credit card, but according to this I will have about $3000/month (plus any extra income) to put towards the balance. Minus any other bills or things that come up. We'll see how this prediction holds out...
Now to go change the automatic withdrawals...

(updated - pay dates switched)
Posted in
Personal Finance,
Saving Money
December 25th, 2011 at 02:02 am
I am pretty frugal by nature.
-I prefer to shop in discount stores like Marshalls or Ross, because of the selection. I don't like shopping for clothes, and I've had some clothes for a very long time. A lot of the clothes I wear were gifts.
-I like red wine, my favorite is Italian. I usually buy it at Trader Joes - my favorite is a Montepulciano D'Abruzzo for $3.99 a bottle.
-I don't eat out that often. I have a lot of food intolerance and allergies so I don't eat a lot of food I can't control. If I do grab food its a 6" cheese sub from SUBWAY. And I drink water. (I can't have High Fructose Corn Syrup or I have a severe reaction, so I can't eat processed foods). I do go to a local restaurant and see a friend play live music, it costs $30-$70 depending if I bring company.
-I tend to use what I have, and fix things.
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Saving Money,
December 25th, 2011 at 01:10 am
I am really into automatic savings. I have a lot of bank accounts. When I know I am going to do something (like travel somewhere) I figure out how much it will cost, then start an automatic with drawl into an account. It really helps me because I travel a lot. I also save for people to come visit me. I save $25/week so my high school friend can come visit one a year!
My current automatic savings:
1) $16,000 - Misc fund - this is my emergency fund. Automatic savings is $14,000/year ($1200/month)
2) $1000 - House fund - mostly designated for new fence and tree trimming. No automatic savings (need). Constant need for house repair.
3) $1000 - Taxes - Not enough. No automatic savings.
4)$3600 - Cats - for vet bills. Automatic savings $200 every 2 weeks. Not sure how much to save, have 3 12 year old cats. Vet bills typically $2500/year.
5)$55 - Me savings. For things I want. Automatic $33 every 2 weeks. Balance recently went to pay K credit card.
6) $5 - K savings. After his cc paid. No automatic savings
7) $2200 - Mortgage and bills. To cover times when payroll doesn't match up with bill paying. automatic savings $400 month.
8) $200 - Cars. To pay for car repairs and eventually new cars. Automatic savings $400/month. Balance recently went to pay K credit card.
TRAVEL - will end when trip taken
9) $400 - $100/week VEGAS 1/12
10) $700 -$400/month London 10/12
11) $800 -$200/month - Nieces 1/12 - air already paid
12) $950 -$25/week - J soon
Posted in
Personal Finance,
Saving Money